Upgrading Moodle to a newer branch using git
In this post, I describe how to upgrade a Moodle installation from one major version to a newer one using the command line and git.
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In this post, I describe how to upgrade a Moodle installation from one major version to a newer one using the command line and git.
In this post, I present a function to calculate the second additive compound of a square matrix using the symbolic algebra program Maxima.
Enticing a Windows 8 installation to dual-boot happily alongside Ubuntu on a UEFI-enabled Dell machine
I’m very excited to announce the public release of CoNtRol, a web application designed to carry out mathematical analysis of chemical reaction networks. A formal introduction has been accepted for publication in Bioinformatics, and technical documentation is available on the reaction networks wiki. In this article I want to talk a bit about the design philosophy behind CoNtRol.
In this post, I describe how to move a Drupal based website from a single site installation to a multi-site installation. The instructions are centred on Debian/Ubuntu, but should be easy to adapt to other setups.
We run monit on a number of clients' Linux systems to ensure that all their server daemons keep running as necessary. In this post I describe an issue that arises due to conflicting default SSL/TLS protocols in Zarafa and monit, along with a monit configuration change to work around the issue.
A short script to toggle compositing on or off for XFCE Window Manager (XFWM).
Compositing improves desktop aesthetics and usability, but turning it off improves compatibility (and performance) for games.
Configure your router to reserve a static IP address for your printer. This way your computer will always know which address to contact the printer on.
Here's a rough guide on how to do that: http://lifehacker.com/5822605/how-to-set-up-dhcp-reservations-so-you-never-have-to-check-an-ip-address-again
Make a note of your printer's IP address.
I bought a new webcam recently. The camera worked with Ubuntu as soon as I plugged it in but but the microphone didn't work with Skype until I set it up. This is very easy but it took me a very long time to figure out so I thought I'd make a note here in case anyone has the same trouble.
In this post, I describe how to convert a Debian i386 .deb package for Shell In A Box into a PowerPC .deb. The instructions also apply to other programs and architectures, where the source code and prebuilt i386 .deb are available, but a prebuilt native .deb is not.